Use a fixed custom login background in Ubuntu 13.04
Configure lightdm (the display manager) to use a custom static background for the login page instead of the default setting of using each users wallpaper as the background for their login page. This does not affect the lock screen. This should work for Ubuntu 12.04 and up. Based on this askubuntu answer for the background and this askubuntu answer for the dot grid.
Setup a custom login background
Open terminal and get root
sudo -i
Allow the lightdm user to create a connection to the X server
xhost +SI:localuser:lightdm
Switch user to lightdm
su lightdm -s /bin/bash
Turn off the dynamic switching of the background
gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter draw-user-backgrounds 'false'
Disable the dot grid on the login background
gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter draw-grid false
Change the default background with a picture of your choice
gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter background '/foo/wallpaper.png'
Prevent the lightdm user from creating a connection to the X server
xhost -SI:localuser:lightdm
Revert the changes
Open terminal and get root
sudo -i
Allow the lightdm user to create a connection to the X server
xhost +SI:localuser:lightdm
Switch user to lightdm
su lightdm -s /bin/bash
Turn on the dynamic switching of the background
gsettings reset com.canonical.unity-greeter draw-user-backgrounds
Enable the dot grid on the login background
gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter draw-grid
Change the default background to the default value
gsettings reset com.canonical.unity-greeter background
Prevent the lightdm user from creating a connection to the X server
xhost -SI:localuser:lightdm
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